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       “Don’t you care?”
       “My give a damn is broken.”
       Mercy turned and stormed from the auditorium, the sound of her footfalls echoing back to the empty room. This was just what I needed. A fight turned to attitude. Now I knew why I didn’t get involved with women, women friends in general. It complicated things. When your just friends talking is second nature, you brag and razz, if it’s a female friend you might even get a little open with your feelings, get a little sexual tension in there and things become awkward.
       “What’s her problem?” I asked.
       “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Robert looked up from his work, a rather complex jumbling of circuits, and smiled. Some day I’d ask him what the hell all of that stuff was for. We sure in the hell weren’t espionagists, as far as I knew the only thing around this place with a circuit board was the stereo. Unless someone had hidden the t.v. in fear of my plan for channel domination. But who would know about that?
       “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, as Rob sat aside a soldering iron.
       “It means— never let the woman catch you with the other woman man, walking around here with Vin, chatting her up and shit. You don’t do that in front of your girl, even if you are just friends. It’s gonna piss her off.”
       “When did you become Socrates?”
       “Socrates hell! This is some deep Barry white shit. Deep, deep. It’s so deep it’s about four inches from China. Deep from the heart. Don’t you go abusing the powers of love, you do your liable to get it up the ass when you least expect it.”
       “Who was that O.J.?”
       “Naw, some cracker ass white dude I saw in movie once. Kinda looked like your ass too.” Robert gave me a big, teeth baring grin that said he knew he’d won.
       “Martin Short?”
       I walked away before he could recover.

all part of some prophecy
       Listen man, you can argue all you want, we are not some god damn virus, some fucking mutation to the human gene! We are a completely separate breed of human, you can trace our evolution back at least as far as theirs. This might have been a virus, some kind of plague upon humanity at the beginning but now it’s as much a paert of us as.....Lawrence.

       The difference between battle and suicide, is a cause. Or, the difference between battle and suicide, is the cause.

       “Blazin Tarturus, what uh yuh talkin’ about?” a dwarf

       CAROLINGIAN check for another spelling of this, an order of priests. They are supposed to fight the demons, ghost’s and such. From the movie The Order, starring Heath Ledger.

       To begin a chapter... “In the sky rose a cold crescent moon. Perhaps on the one with the cemetery, when they get there.


       Guy from Near Dark, drives van through building. Adrian Pasdar “Adrian Pasdar eat your fucking heart out!” Shuylin screams before, when, or after Van drives through side of building. Also, this goes with something else I said somewhere else. Mik tells Cam that it wasn’t him directly that started the Chicago fire.(“Why, you couldn’t do it yourself you bastard?”) He tricked two of his followers into it. This would be the man and woman from Near Dark. Thus, allowing the continuity of that series, and this.

       He seemed to go to a place where I was often. Deep inside, lost in thought.
       I sat in silence, waiting for the warmth to come back my limbs, waiting or him to speak.
       From his pouch, which appeared to double as a backpack, he (also) produced a small kettle, two small metal cups, some kind of dried brown leaf and  a thin wire framework, which he assembled over the fire. The kettle was placed atop the tripod in ignorance of the flames burning at his fingertips, and setting the edges of his wet robe smoldering. The bottom quickly began to blacken. The leaf he crushed gently between his finger tips, letting it fall to his lap and rest in the hidden folds of the stained robe.
       The drink had a hot peppermint smell, but the taste was almost bitter. Like peppermint and Aloe. But it was smooth going down and washed the taste of acid from my throat. Before long the after taste had faded and I was drinking it as easily as a cup of warm tea.
       I have to admit I was utterly surprised, somewhere deep down death was a part of my life. For all I knew this was another dream. Which left me with no choice but to follow it to it’s end. To see what point it would contain and what purpose it would serve. On the other hand I could quite possibly look at it as real, some half dead thing rising from the swamps, pulling at my feet, saving my life, and then draggin me half dead through the forest, to this spot, to make me peppermint tea. Both seemed obviously just as likely to hold the truth. The third choice, one which I had already presented to myself, and seemed to eager to believe, was that I was slowly, and irreversibly losing my mind. And at that point I had to admit, of all three, the last seemed most likely.

       The dog tried a few more fretful leaps for attention and then disappeared into the woods.
       What do you see when you wake up. The futures it will bring. The hours it will hold.
       The repetitious disemboweling of my thoughts was proving to be harsh.
       Check to see what a siren is, possible title for future story would be Siren of Noone.
       Siren >3. a woman who is considered to be alluring but also dangerous. So this could be *******, or whoever it is that is the female side of Noone. To the people she is perhaps considered a siren. People could call her The Siren, or perhaps her name in the Noone stories is Siren.

       Wrens eyes. Gray, like a bank of clouds, a bank of fog. white marble, and swirling silver. hard and polished, glistening, pupilless white swirling in a mist of sterling gray silver.

       Perhaps in the first part they each bare their souls to Cam at some point, explain the things that have happened in their lives and they ways they have overcome them. “You can’t just give up.” Cam was given a second chance. This would give him a way into Mercy’s heart. Law never told him until he found Cam trying to kill himself, in his story he did kill his family, he has nightmares about it. And he also found that church, and believed that it was his fault all of these people were dying of the plague.

       Begin Wild Child chapter with below, this would come after Cam saves little girl.
       We entered the Camp with children trailing us like bits of discarded clothing. They had began to appear, at first singly, and then in groups, dirty and bedraggled, less than — yards beyond.They were a ragtag bunch, most no younger than ten, no older than fifteen, with a few scraglers toward both ends of the spectrum. They might have looked ten, but you could see a truer age in the eyes. It went beyond their years.

       As we entered the encampment children began to appear, singly and in groups, dirty and bedraggled, trailing us like bits of discarded clothing. They appeared to hold no purpose, no dark mission lit their eyes, only curiosity.

       A twist, a vamp, or werewolf with a steel plate in is chest, he’s had it implanted beneath the skin, kind of like a bulletproof vest. There would be no scars.

       My entire world is riding on that one false step.

       Wendigo- some kind of werewolf?

       Note. Cam has sensed that someone was following him but thought it was paranoia. In the cemetery, when he see’s the plot of wood-slatted grave markers, or just after. A rustle in the woods as he steps onto the clear ground. He tries to make out a name but see’s nothing. There are no names. He stops, waits, but hears nothing more. A few more incidents, maybe him actually going out of his way to check, and then find nothing. It is all Nadja watching him.

       Note, in the cemetery Cam come across a gathering of wooden crosses. Some of branches, others boards together, others made from lumber to look like crosses, and others still, headstones, made of wood. Look at the cemetery in Ginger Snaps Back. He finds them alone, gathered in a spot amongst the stone houses. In a corner? Almost hidden. What is their purpose? Who is buried there? Maybe bloods, made of fresh yellow lumber, the ones who have died fighting, or maybe they are old lumber, worn and gray as ash. Werewolves? Is there some kind of history involved? The place is cleared of leaves, cleared of snow, and free of tracks, even the snow around it is fresh, unmarred. The ground is muddy, but firm. Absent of grass, all dirt, or growing in the green stuff? It is bright. They call it day for night. Low key, blue dawn lighting. Dim, the moon is bright.

       On angels. I thought, but wasn’t sure, I saw others. To dim, or too far off, to make out. Surrounded by halo’s, sparks of thin fiery brilliance dimmed through a bank of fog. Also, Cam notices the Sky and Stars in each of his dreams, perhaps they start that way, with him describing the sky, and also he could feel crowded by them.

       “The “hey, you aint the boss of me,” look on her face.

       On dreams, one has castle walls. Title for dream chapter, Broken dreams

       note for traffic lights, it’s night out so two that Law passes beneath are just blinking.

       “After a beautiful day of warm temperatures it looks like we’re going to be cooling back down tonight. Temperatures are do for the low thirties, but for most of y out there, you know that really means lower teens with the windchill. So bundle up tight. Some of you out there might want to head to a friends, a power outage in central Gladwin county has left many with no heat, so for those of you out there enjoying a nice warm meal, don’t be afraid to invite over the neighbors. This is the weather report for when Cam is driving into town.

       I stripped my jacket off, used it to cover her as blest I could, careful not to tuck it to tight against bleeding wounds.

       In the room scene, when Cam gets back, goes in bathroom and smiles at himself in mirror. Change to this, I looked at myself uncomfortably in the mirror. It wasn’t so much that I wasn’t handsome, but that I had never seen myself that way. More than one woman had stared at me shocked when I told them I wasn’t hot, or handsome, or even alright looking. I strove for normal, the day a woman said to me, you look normal, I’d be happy.
       The face that met mine wasn’t pretty, or deep, or mysterious. It was dirty, tired, dare I sway haggard?

       I feel (or fear) I am drowning an ocean of love and have sunk to deep to see the light. My world, me reason for being, was here.

       On the ring Cam wears of justice’s, after it falls. Cam hears something fall. It was a ring. I’d gotten it for her out of a quarter machine. I’d tried and tried, dropping quarter after quarter to get past the junk until finally I hadn’t had any money left. Justice had just smiled when I looked up at her sadly, and picked the closest plastic bobble from the ground. “This ones perfect.” She had said, and I believed her.

       On the buzzing in head. Your heart beats faster —  like all the blood in your body rushes to your head.

       There are so may ways to say that I love you,
but in so many ways those words are above you

       “That’s not me.”
       “What?”(or, “looks like you to me)
       “That’s not me, that’s not my face.”
       Cam, after he is revived, someone is with him after he gets out of shower, maybe someone takes him to get some clothes, lends him a comb and he leans in front of a mirror.

Cass’s torture, take 2
       “Trust me, I can make your life a living hell.” her voice wasn’t human, it was cold, reptilian, inhuman hiss. “What little of it you have left. Stabs in armpit, tickling heart with the blade.

        Crickets, birds and wind. The sounds of Nadja’s clearing.

       “Your ex-pired Bitch!” Shuylin says, “What?” smiling at the looks on our faces (when she see’s everyone staring at her.)

       On blazer, it was a purplish shade of maroon that Chevy had never offered on their bronco’s, probably not on any cars for that matter.

       I’m not above stealing for a buck, but I don’t do rape, and I don’t do murder.

       “What is wrong with you people? You talk about this like it’s the norm of your existence.”
“It is the norm of our existence.” I believe thsi is aobut cam realizing they don’t fight, they rescue but they won’t strike back. That might not be it, but maybe.

       I was beginning to wonder how there was so much about this place that I didn’t know. I’d spent more than three quarters of my life. Probably because I never really cared. Just cam thinking in first car ride, on the way to cemetery. About the way the town had changed, how it is he didn’t know about this cemetery, but why would he, maybe he wasn’t quite so obsessed with death back then.

       “Left, left left!”, shuylin cried in excitement from where she squatted at the back window. “ stop here, I know these people”
       Big hotel, maybe called the palace, check on some thai names.
       She goes in comes out smiling. “Luck of the Thai, strikes again” holding out several sets of room keys.
       Takes them all in introduce to her aunt and uncle. It’s their hotel, she already has a room here from before.
‘These are the people I stayed with when I got here. To them, Is my room still open? Oh, yes, both nod. Not very good at english.
       Rooms for herself, room for nadja, me and law have to share. “Sorry guys, it was all they had.”
       She brings them keys and they go to go but she stops them, “no guys,” she said motioning (gesturing) back toward the larger entrance.(another entrance that says guest entrance). “huh> what?” “When I told them I needed extra rooms they made me promise I’d introduce you guys.” Introduses them each, one at atime.
       On way there, “you might have to hide Nadja!” shuylin said worriedly, in embarassment. Nadja, I refuse, she siad simply” “well then, I guess we’ll just have to work something out” shuylin said, alread y puzzlling the problem over as she pulled them thorugh the door.
        “And this is Nadja, she’s a foreign exchange student from,” shuylin stoppedrubbing her temple in thought. “Where’d you say you were from?”  “Nadja says name of small russian villiage, have to look up.(tells them she’s making a movie for school)
       Where making a movie and she’s the misbegotten werecat who’s only wish is to live in peace with humanity. But ther evil townspeople, played by Lawrence and me, can’t except that. Cam is her faithful human lover who will do anything to stop the hunt for his love.” (Tell them about makeup, can’t take off cause it takes too long to pu bck on, “and we just got it right” staring becuse of how their clothes look? “Oh, is that why your clothes look like that?” “Yeah, we just got back from a long day of shooting, Shuylin spent the last couple of days At laws going over our footage,” I piped in. “Is there any more to your costume, Cam smiles, exposing hisa fangs.”wow! Those look real, can I touch one?” Shuylin motioning from corner of eye. Aunt reaches out and touches tip, Ooh!” she draws it back, drop of blood, “really real” “very good movie, it going be very very good, I know.” “All you,” she spread her hands wide, “ all you good actors, you make a godd movie, make our niece rich.
       They intro themselves, “I am, Joh Wang, an this, my wife sue,” he said proudly,(both have strong accents) wrapping his arm around her and hugging her close. The pair practically beamed with pride as they smiled proudly at shuylin. Pronounces john J O H. “O-hh, we so happy to meet you” exicted. Man_ oh, shuylin show is much movies about american school culture. How’s it hanging...dude?” Wife, thats for shizzle my nizzle” Shuylin, Okay, Well I think we better go,” trying to rush them away. Before her aunt and uncle embarass.Wife smiles broudly as they walk away, “hey, don’t you want to ckeck out my Bling bling sue called from behind us, her hand stretched out empathetically as she displayed her wedding band.. I glanced back and gave her an aproving smile “Nice miss’s S!” lawrence called back as we turned the corner
       Nadja shifted uncomfortably as aunt feels her pelt.
       Shuylin on above. “Okay guys, I think it’s time to go.” Shuylin said, already ushering them through the door(into the hall).  As aunt and uncle talk the funny talk, Law and them going donw the hall. Shuylin tucked her head undr his arm. “Please make it stop!” she pleaded. Or, “please kill me now.”

       The sentence for creating a rook, a half vampire. The sentence for such a transgression was the execution of ones manhood. All three pieces, not just the two, the undead had no need to urinate.
Random scenes, half written notes,.... that's what this is. I haven't written much on The Clearing lately, but I have something like 250 pages of notes copied over to the computer... oh, and probably another 250 still written on paper and stuffed into shoe boxes... So, for now, a little while at least, while I'm not writing on it, I'm going to share some with you....

This might seem stupid, if so, don't read it, but I promise you, there might be some gems.... some secrets that get out that I don't want to....
© 2006 - 2024 Lawren
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synthwrr's avatar
Very interesting.
You know, you could totally write a true short story out of this-- the randomness actually having hidden meaning, though.. it kills me to read something that truly has no sense to make of it lol.

:) luv u